Student Speed Talks and Symposiums
Student Speed Talks
Ariene Cabantog - Optimizing Culture Conditions for Primary Multiple Myeloma Cells
Peipei Wang - Evaluating the role of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in malignant transformation in vitro
Franziska Mey - Loss of FBXO11 shapes clonal architecture in a cell non-autonomous manner in acute myeloid leukemia
Aditi Srinivasan - Identification of DNA sequence motifs enriched in regulatory regions of genes escaping X-chromosome inactivation
Brendan Chia - Modelling the colonoscopy burden of lowering the colorectal cancer screening age: A health economic evaluation of updating screening guidelines in Canada
Rachel Schwartz - Automated Cell Type Re-Annotation for Enhanced Reproducibility and Meta-analysis in Single-Cell Brain Studies
Maxwell Douglas - Utanos: A general-purpose shallow whole genome sequencing analysis toolkit identifies interpretable copy number signatures
Monica Luo - Lung Cancer Radiopathomics: Correlating PET/CT Radiomics and Histopathological Features in Lung Adenocarcinoma and Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Jenny Zhao - Functional investigations of B cell lymphoma mutations uncovers B cell subsets involved in BN2 lymphoma pathogenesis
Serena Chuang - Investigating the Mechanism of SHPRH-mediated Tumour Suppression in Lung Adenocarcinoma
May Mirzazadeh - Optimized Patch Selection Algorithm for Digital Pathology Machine Learning PipelinesKatie BaillieHarnessing genome instability: targeting the DNA2 nuclease in ALT cancers.
Sam Munn - The Evolution of Pesticide Biodegradation in Bacteria - Enzyme Sequence and Pangenome-Based Analysis
Makoto Kishida - Functional characterization of CXCR5-CXCL13 axis in classic Hodgkin lymphoma
Ipek Egilmez - A Game-Theoretic Perspective on Embryonic Development: A 'Goldilocks' Cell Number Optimizes Viability
Andy Murtha - ERBB2/HER2 alterations in ctDNA and metachronous tissues of patients with metastatic urothelial cancer
Brian Guo - Mass Spectrometry-Based Proteomic Molecular Investigation of Dual AXL and BCL-2 Inhibition Drug Treatment for Acute Myeloid Leukemia
Dasol Wi - Engineering T cells to study the beneficial effects of mitochondrial ROS
Giuli Sucar - Machine Learning Automated Evaluation Of Convergence For Bayesian Phylogenetic Inference
Cathy Yan - Single-cell profiling of FFPE tissues Betty YaoMetabolic Conditioning Increases GLUT1 expression and Improves Adoptive T Cell Therapy
Berke Ucar - triAMPh: TaRgeted Identification of AntiMicrobial Peptides with Heterogeneous graph attention networks
Athena Li - A Tale of Three Workflows: Inter-Platform Comparisons of Multiplex Machine Learning Analysis of Cell Frequency and Spatial Relations
Laura Paulus - Intermittent Hypoxia in Breast Cancer Cells Promoting a Metastatic Phenotype
Student Mini Symposiums
Debajeet Ghosh - Loss of HLTF promotes formation and pathogenesis of t(15;17)/PML-RARA translocations
Erick Navarro - The foundation of the DNA methylome: Dissecting gene-environment contributions in vital fetal tissues
Amos Fong - A Multi-omic Characterization of Dark Zone Lymphomas
Hannah Illing - Characterization of `eoPRED` a placental DNA methylation predictor of early-onset preeclampsia and maternal vascular malperfusion
Zakir Tahiry - The Role of Chondroitin Sulfate Glycocalyx in Prostate Cancer Vascularization
Tony Liang - MESSI, a Nextflow pipeline for benchmarking multiomics integration methods
Jacky Yiu - Mapping Follicular Lymphoma Clonal Evolution Using Mitochondrial Variants via Single-cell Multi-omics Profiling
Berkay Altintas - AR Dysregulation in Advanced Prostate Cancer
Cathy Cozma - Investigating polymerase-ζ biology using dominant Rev3 variants